Project summary
Alongside with the different subjects, all teachers have the duty to instill their students, values and positive attitudes towards life and society. Education for values and attitudes is crucially beneficial for society and individual as well, standing at the base of any national education system, including those in EU countries and candidates. EU is based on the European values: respect for human dignity and human rights, freedom, democracy, equality, and the rule of law. But have we all the same European values, as we claim, and are committed to respect them? Some local approaches of the migrants and refugees crisis prove that answer is no. Is it possible that people belonging to different nations or cultures to interpret these values in different ways? There is a way to counteract the fake news and extremist propaganda? There is a way to ensure that in Europe we all respect the same values and understand them in the same way? We believe that the answer is in education and imply a transnational collaboration at European level. There are 5.7M teachers in EU countries only, and they could have a huge impact on values integration, but only if they could easy collaborate each other on this matter. For all these reasons, we propose to create a European community of teachers who take care of students values and attitudes.
Objectives of the project
Project objectives are set according to social context and Erasmus priorities, and their attainment is guaranteed by having a strong and synergetic partnership, relevant and realistic outputs, and adequate and sustainable strategy:
- To foster social inclusion and integration through enhance Values and Attitudes Education at European level;
- To strengthen the teaching profession through open resources, training, cooperation;
- To harness open education and new technologies for enhance the resources, training, cooperation and democracy of education;
- To foster European integration and raise awareness about European Values and Attitudes Education.
An online multilingual, mobile adapted and media integrated platform to host and support the other project outputs.
Training kit
A kit to train teachers to perform European values education with innovative media-tech integrated aids.
A toolkit that enables teachers to perform quality values education, through a multilingual collection of media, articles, science papers and lesson plans media-tech integrated on values education topics.
Teachers community
Teachers will be encourages to use and implement the platform contents, widening the audience and foster values education, in a unitary approach across Europe and using new, engaging methodologies that are more suited today.
The partnership consists of 7 partner organisations, from 6 different countries, among 2 universities, a county museum, a media company and 3 non governmental oranisations.
Click on a partner’s logo for more information.